Our expertise
Operational support for human resources management (adjustments to employment contracts, managing relations with employee representative bodies, negotiating departures, etc.): we provide you with day-to-day counsel for any matters linked to establishing and respecting regulations. We work with you to devise strategies to prevent conflicts. Lastly, we manage individual disputes in close collaboration with operational teams and HR departments.
Discrimination/psychosocial hazards (suicide, moral or sexual harassment): we provide you with advice for prevention, analysis and establishing solutions in order to mitigate the probability of risky litigation. In contentious situations, we apply our know-how and understanding of these matters to defend the company.
Mergers, acquisitions, restructuring operations, business transfers: we conduct audits and support you when implementing change. To turn this into an opportunity for the company as well as the employees, we explore all possibilities afforded by legal provisions in order to inform your decision-making process.
Our approach
The firm’s internal organisation fosters optimal efficiency in terms of case management, right from taking in a case to billing. Drawing on the sound partnerships established with corporate law firms, human resources consulting firms, organisation and communication firms as well as accounting firms, we can provide our clients with comprehensive solutions that are tailored to each situation.
The firm is ISO 9001 certified since 2004.
Dupuy Avocats
5 rue Drouot
75 009 Paris
4 rue Porte Basse
33 000 Bordeaux
Tél: +33 (0)1 53 83 78 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 53 83 78 01